being and doing are two different things...
I look you in the eye, then we shake hands. After sharing names, the dreaded question arises, "So, what do you do? I can't stand that question because what I do or have done is only a small measure of who I am.
An introductory question that I find myself asking nowadays is "Who you be?" I find that "who you be" and who see yourself be-coming tells me much more about a person's character than what they do to pay their bills or what they once did. (Through asking this question, I've also entered into heartfelt conversation with people of goodwill who are not formally educated or legally employed.)
To learn more about the human be-ing before me, I also ask, "What do you call yourself?" Quite a question... because the world calls us all sorts of things.
Students at Emory often call me Dr. Ellison. At church, some of God's people call me Rev. Ellison. My Grandma used to call me baby. My Mom and Dad call my Greg. My kids call me Daddy. My wife calls me names I can't mention online. God called me to bring people together. But, I call myself the Craftsman of Care.
Caring is an art informed by a long history of techniques and crafts. As the Craftsman of Care, I help caregivers to see the invisible and hear the voiceless. This website is a living journal of the arts and crafts of caring as I seek to do, be, and live into my calling.

What is Fearless Dialogues?
Fearless Dialogues is a grassroots initiative that creates unique spaces for unlikely partners to engage in hard, heartfelt conversations that see gifts in others, hear value in stories, and work for change and positive transformation in self and other. Greg Ellison is the founder of Fearless Dialogues.
Fear + Less not Fear-less
It is nearly impossible to hold a hard, heartfelt conversation with an unlikely partner without fear. Therefore, we conceive “fearless” as a compound word (“fear+less”) and not as a root word and suffix (“fear -less”). In the latter, the suffix refers to without. However, in the compound form, “less” connotes a smaller extent. We believe in a uniquely structured environment where fears are acknowledged, unlikely partners can take courage, fear+less and engage in hard, heartfelt conversation.
Who we serve
Grant-makers, organizations desiring productive partnerships, all who realize “we don’t know what we don’t know,” leaders who seek to engage constituencies in productive problem finding as well as problem solving, and those with gifts yet to be revealed and engaged are excellent candidates for Fearless Dialogues. Isn’t that all of us?
Greg Ellison’s forthcoming book is entitled Fearless Dialogues: See, Hear, Change (Westminster John Knox Press, 2016). This book uses interdisciplinary voices to provide school systems, local and regional initiatives, faith-based alliances, and partnership-minded organizations with a theoretical template for creating space, appropriating silence, fostering discussion, managing conflict, revealing strengths, nurturing strategic alliances and facilitating sustainable change.
To learn more about Fearless Dialogues:

Gregory C. Ellison II, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
Candler School of Theology · Emory University
Fearless DialoguesÔ, Founder
1531 Dickey Dr. • Atlanta, Georgia 30322
404.727.7291 • gregory.ellison@emory.edu
Academic Appointments
Candler School of Theology
Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 2015-present
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 2009-2015
Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award, 2014
Emory University’s most prestigious faculty teaching award
Faculty Person of the Year, Candler School of Theology, 2010-2011, 2016-2017
Care and Counseling Center of Georgia
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 2009-2015
Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Graduate Division of Religion, Visiting Professor, 2014
Sewanee: The University of the South, The School of Theology
Advanced Degree Programs, Faculty, Summer 2012
Ecclesial Appointments
Memorial West Presbyterian Church, Newark, New Jersey
Pastor, 2006-2008
St. James United Methodist Church, Kansas City, Missouri
Pastor of Youth Ministries, Summer 2001, 2002-2003
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Practical Theology and Religious Practices, 2009
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey
Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Theology, May 2008
Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey
Master of Divinity, May 2002
Presidential Fellowship, 1999-2002
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Sociology, May 1999
Emory University Hall of Fame Inductee, May 1999
Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African American Young Men in Today’s Culture, Abingdon Press, (2013)
Book Reviews of Cut Dead But Still Alive in peer-reviewed journals
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, Fall 2014, Vol. 68:2
Religious Education, May/Jun2014, Vol. 109 Issue 3
Fearless Dialogues: A New Movement for Justice, Westminster John Knox Press (November 2017)
Anchored in the Current: The Timeless Wisdom of Howard Thurman in a Changing World, Westminster John Knox Press (contract in hand, expected publication 2018)
“Holy Activist and Wholly Other: Youth, Vocation, and the Problem of Fit,” Princeton Theological Seminary Presidential Lecture, Princeton Theological Seminary Library Digital Collections, (2018)
“The Way It Is and the Way It Could Be: Fear, Lessness, and the Quest for Fearless DialoguesÔ, Pastoral Psychology, (2014) 63: 625-639
“The Dark Night of Rage in a Culture of Nihilism: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Remembered Faces,” Pastoral Psychology, (2013) 62: 649-669
“Navigating the Borderlands of Fantasy: Reckoning with Fantasy Aggression in a Culture of Violent Media,” The Journal of Pastoral Theology, (Winter 2012) 22 (2)
“Fantasy as Addition to Reality? An Exploration of Fantasy Aggression and Fantasy Aggrace-ion in Violent Media,” Pastoral Psychology, (2012) 61: 513-530
“Intimacy Versus Isolation (Erikson’s Young Adult Stage),” Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development, Vol. 2 (2011)
“From My Center to the Center of All Things: Hourglass Care (Take One),” Pastoral Psychology, (2010) 59: 747-767
“Late Stylin’ in an Ill-Fitting Suit: Donald Capps’ Artistic Approach to the Hopeful Self and Its Implications for Unacknowledged African American Young Men,” Pastoral Psychology, (2009) 58: 477-489
“The Paradox of Empty Cups,” in Olu Brown’s Leadership Directions from Moses: On the Way to a Promised Land, Abingdon Press, (2017)
“Open Wide Shut: Sensing Theology in the Midst of Chaos,” Afterword in Chad R. Abbott’s Sacred Habits: The Rise of the Creative Clergy, Davies Group Publishers, (2016)
Teaching Experience and Course Offerings
Candler School of Theology
SELF.CARE.HOPE.: Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
Care of Souls, Care of World
Caring with Marginalized Populations
Caring with Adolescents
Care-Full Preaching
Historical and Global Perspectives of Pastoral Care and Counseling
Spirituality, Silence, and Social Action
Psychologies of Power
Children’s Defense Fund Travel Seminar
Blessed are the Uninvited: Quakerism, Womanism, and the Innovative Power of Liberating Circles
A.C.T.I.O.N. Research Methods: Methods, Social Change, and the Vocation of the Researcher
Emory University Graduate Division of Religion and Doctorate of Theology Course
Historical and Global Perspectives of Pastoral Counseling (Real-Time Course with Dr. Blanches de Paula at Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sewanee: The University of the South, The School of Theology
Fearless Dialogues: Theory, Practice and Pedagogical Principles
Caring with Marginalized Populations
Princeton Theological Seminary, Teaching Assistant, Practical Theology Department
Sexuality and the Christian Body, Professor Robert Dykstra, 2005
Princeton University, Teaching Assistant, Religion & African American Studies
Black Power and Its Theology of Liberation, Professor Eddie Glaude, 2004
Hosted Conferences
Howard Thurman Luminaries Gathering. In September 2016, sixteen theological educators, ministers, and activists gathered at the Historic Alex Haley Farm (Clinton, TN) for a two-day conference to examine the life and works of Howard Washington Thurman (1899-1981) and demonstrate the relevance of Thurman's theories and methods for the study of theology and the practice of ministry in the twenty first century. Participants: Barbara Brown Taylor, Patrick Clayborn, Blanches de Paula, Marian Wright Edelman, Gregory Ellison, Walter Earl Fluker, Kai Jackson Issa, Stephen Lewis, Parker J. Palmer, Luke Powery, Liza Rankow, Tyler Ho-Yin Sit, Luther Smith, Shively Smith, Matthew Williams, and Starsky Wilson
Funders: The Louisville Institute, Candler School of Theology, The Childrens’ Defense Fund, and Fearless Dialogues.
Lectures and Addresses
Endowed and Distinguished lectureships
“Fear in the Presence of Joy,” Yale Divinity School’s Youth Ministry Institute, Joy and Adolescent Faith and Flourishing Program, June 2017
“Care+Full Dialogue: The Five Fears that Stifle Hard Conversations,” 50th Anniversary of Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), plenary lecturer alongside Parker J. Palmer, ACPE National Meeting, May 2017
“Holy Activist and Wholly Other: Youth, Vocation, and the Problem of Fit,” Princeton Theological Seminary Presidential Lecture, Institute for Youth Ministry, April 2017
“Beyond a Poverty of the Mind: The Life and Death Work of Seeing the Invisible,” Smith Family Endowed Lecture on Poverty: Faith and Action Project, Christian Theological Seminary, March 2017.
“Conversations with Country Dark: The Craft of Creating Space for Fearless Dialogues,” Spring Convocation Lecture, plenary lecturer alongside Dr. Walter Bruegemann, Eden Theological Seminary, March 2016
“Cut Dead But Still Alive: The Travels, Travails, and Triumphs of the Invisible Caregiver,” The Settles Lecture in Mission and Evangelism, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, April 2014
“Seeing the Invisible, Hearing the Voiceless: The Civil Rights Movement of the 21st Century,” Bishop Bob Johnson Lecture in Theology and Social Justice, Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church, February 2014
“Screams from the Shadows, Whispers in the Dark: Beyond the Struggles of Muteness and Invisibility,” Endowed Staley Lectures, Bethel College, March 2012
Guild Lectures and Paper Presentations
“Fantasy as Addition to Reality? Fantasy Aggression, Fantasy Aggrace-ion and Violent Media in a Pluralistic World,” Plenary Address, Society for Pastoral Theology, June 2012 *Historically, junior faculty have infrequently delivered these addresses.*
Panel Conversation on Activism and Care with Parker J. Palmer and Carrie Newcomer, 50th Anniversary of Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), ACPE National Meeting, May 2017
“Beyond Vocations of Negation: The Problems of Fit and Flat,” Society for the Study of Black Religion, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2017
“The Welcome Table of Radical Hospitality: Beyond the Fear of Strangers,” New Directions in Pastoral Theology Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, October 2016
“Simon’s Storied Soundwaves: Philosophical Examinations of Musical Dialogue,” New Directions in Pastoral Theology Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, October 2015
“Depth Psychology & the Black Church,” moderator of panel at American Academy of Religion’s Annual Conference, Psychology, Culture, and Religion Group, November 2014
“The Way It Is and the Way It Could Be: Fear, Lessness, and the Quest for Fearless DialoguesÔ, New Directions in Pastoral Theology Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, October 2013
“Beyond the Digitized Screen,” a response to panelists presenting at American Academy of Religion’s Annual Conference, Practical Theology Group, Session on Practical Theology and Popular Culture, November 2012
“The Dark Night of Rage in a Culture of Nihilism: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Remembered Faces,” New Directions in Pastoral Theology Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary, October 2012
“Fantasy as Addition to Reality? An Exploration of Fantasy Aggression and Fantasy Aggrace-ion in Violent Media,” New Directions in Pastoral Theology Conference, Union Presbyterian Seminary, October 2011
“From My Center to the Center of All Things: Hourglass Care (Take 1),” New Directions in Pastoral Theology Conference, Union Presbyterian Seminary, October 2009
“Late Stylin’ in an Ill-Fitting Suit: Donald Capps’ Approach to the Hopeful Self and Its Implications for Unacknowledged African American Young Men,” Festschrift for Dr. Donald Capps, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, October 2008
“Ignorado completamente, porém ainda vivo: Aprendendo Juntos a Ver com Mais Clareza & Ouvir com Mais Perspicácia” (Cut Dead But Still Alive: Learning to see more clearly and hear more acutely), Public Lecture, Universidade de Metodista Sao Paulo, May 2014
“Fantasia ou Realidade?: Violência na mídia e a Psicologia Social da Agressão Fantasiosa” (Fantasy or Reality?: Violent Media and the Social Psychology of Fantasy Aggression), Lecture for Graduate Division of Religion, Universidade de Metodista Sao Paulo, May 2014
“Das Vozes à Visão: Descobrindo o Dom da Vocação” (From Voices to Vision: Uncovering the Gift of Vocation), Lecture for Seminary Students, Universidade de Metodista Sao Paulo, May 2014
“Novas Direções no Cuidado: Abordagens para o Cuidado com Populações Marginalizadas” (New Directions in Caring: Approaches to Caring with Marginalized Populations), Universidade de Metodista Sao Paulo, May 2014
“Esperança Interruptora: A origem e amadurecimento do Self esperançoso E a base para a vida esperançosa” (Interrupting Hope: The Origin and Maturatio of the Hopeful Self and the Ground for Hopeful Living), Universidade de Metodista Sao Paulo, May 2014
“Cut Dead But Still Alive: The Global Crisis of Muteness and Invisibility,” Queens College, Nassau, Bahamas, November 2013
“Un-tapping The Hidden Gifts Among Us: Beyond the Invisibility of Being Cut Dead But Still Alive,” Bahamas Methodist Churches, Eleuthera, Bahamas, May 2013
“Jesus and the Disinherited (Revisited): Jesus, Hope, and the Quest to See Differently,” World Methodist Evangelism Institute, Lima, Peru, August 2012
Domestic College and University Lectures and Presentations
“Freedom Papers: The Five Most Transformative Pieces I’ve Ever Written,” African American Male Initiative and Multicultural Programming Office, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 2017
“Harvesting Untold Stories: Racial Realities Conversation at Candler.” This yearlong collaboration between Fearless Dialogues, the Candler Coordinating Council, the Office of Student Programming, and concerned student leaders, will explore the complexities of race and difference at Candler School of Theology and design deliverable strategies for communal wellbeing. Emory University, November 2016
“Not Just a Response: A Just Response,” Emory University’s Higher Education Institute, 2nd Annual Race Summit for Campus Leaders. This collaboration between Fearless Dialogues and Ed Lee of Emory University’s Barkley Forum for Debate gathered 85 campus leaders from over three dozen colleges and universities for a dialogue on race 48 hours after the presidential election. Emory University, November 2016
“Who is My Neighbor?” Emory University RoundTable, Session Two; a collaboration between Fearless Dialogues and Emory University’s Episcopal Campus Ministry. For this second gathering, nearly fifty students, faculty, staff, and alumni from across Emory University gathered for heartfelt conversation the evening after the presidential election. Emory University, November 2016
“From Eulogy Virtues to Resume Virtues,” Emory University RoundTable, Session One; a collaboration between Fearless Dialogues and Emory University’s Episcopal Campus Ministry. The RoundTable is a space for unlikely partners to build community, share wisdom and face hard questions over hearty family-style meals. For this first gathering, nearly forty students, faculty, staff, and alumni gathered from six of the seven schools at Emory University. Emory University, October 2016
“The Caregiver’s Craft in an Age of Cultural Blindspots,” Interdenominational Theological Center. Lecture in Dr. Carolyn McCrary Akua’s Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling class, October 2016
“The Genuine Sound of Leadership,” Candler Coordinating Council Student Leaders Retreat, Candler School of Theology, September 2016
“Trees, Grass, and the Long Arc of Activism,” words of hope at “Black Lives Matter: Emory Unites in Solidarity” Commemoration. On program with student activists, faculty, and Emory University’s president and senior vice-president, Emory University, September 2016
“Conversations with Country Dark: The Craft of Creating Space for Fearless Dialogues,” Public Theology Lecture, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, March 2016
“Is Multiculturalism Dead?” panel conversation with Emory University President James Wagner, Emory University President Ajay Nair, and two distinguished alumni for Association of Emory Alumni, Newseum, Washington, DC, October 2015
“The Dangers of Silence and Social Activism: Howard Thurman and the Emergence of an Activist Scholar,” Candler School of Theology, Lecture in Dr. Minlib Dallh’s Comparative Mysticism: Christianity and Islam Class, March 2015
“Organizing for Success: Does All Research Matter?” Emory University Mellon-Mays Fellows Lecture, December 2014
“Welcome to the Laboratory of Disovery: Engaged Pedagogy and the Practice of Paying Attention,” Princeton Theological Seminary, Teaching Seminar for Doctoral Students, October 2014
“If Your Research is Not Quite Done. Move On,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Forum for Theological Education Dissertation Writer’s Workshop, September 2014
“Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring with Marginalized Populations,” Emory Alumni Back to Class, Distinguished Faculty Lectures, Chicago, April 2014
“The Inner Labyrinth: Full-Sensory Reflections on Howard Thurman’s Inward Sea,” Candler School of Theology, Lecture in Dr. Luther Smith’s Howard Thurman: Spirituality and Community Course, November 2013
“The Vocation of the Dreamer: Reflections on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Care and Concern for the Dream in His Heart,” Candler School of Theology, Lecture in Dr. Bernard Lafayette’s Theology of Martin Luther King Course, November 2013
“More than Unacknowledged Selves: Critical Reflections on Cut Dead But Still Alive,” Vanderbilt Divinity School, Skype Lecture in Dr. Bonnie Miller-McLemore’s Theories of Personality Course, October 2013
“Caring With, Not for Marginalized Populations: Critical Reflections on Cut Dead But Still Alive,” Sewanee: The University of the South, The School of Theology, Lecture in The Rev. Kathryn Young’s Contextual Education II Course, October 2013
“Beyond Cut Dead But Still Alive: Perspectival Activism as the Civil Rights Movement of the 21st Century,” Princeton Theological Seminary, Lecture in Dr. Robert Dykstra’s Pastoral Care of Men Course, October 2013
“Who’s on Whose Margins?: Youth, Technology, and the New Freedom Movement,” Princeton Youth Forum, Princeton Theological Seminary, April 2012
“Fantasy as Addition to Reality? An Exploration of Fantasy Aggression and Fantasy Aggrace-ion in Violent Media,” Institute for Transformative Leaders and Communities, Northwestern University—Garret Evangelical Theological Seminary and Kellogg School of Management, October 2011
“Screams from the Shadows, Whispers in the Dark: Learning Together to See More Clearly and Hear More Acutely,” Indiana University-Purdue University, Community Conversations, August 2011
“Sacrificed on the Altar: Howard Thurman’s Life of Service,” Crown Forum Lecture Panel, Morehouse College, Panelist with Rev. Jesse Jackson, November 2010
“Sensing Theologically: Contemplation in the Midst of Chaos,” Candler New Student Orientation Faculty Panel, August 2010
“Cut Dead, But Still Alive: Pastoral Theological Reflections on Hope, Community, and Unacknowledged Populations,” Candler School of Theology, April 2010
“The Courage to Hope: Caring with Marginalized Youth,” Princeton Youth Forum, Princeton Theological Seminary, April 2009
Community and Church-Related Lectures and Presentations
“Kindle Thy Light Within Me,” Fearless Dialogues conversation with College of Bishops, Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church, Birmingham, AL, January 2018
“Atlanta Speaks: Fear+Less Dialogues at the Atlanta History Center,” Fearless Dialogues book conversation, sponsored by Fearless Dialogues and the Lovett Schools, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, January 2018
“A Look at the Love Below,” Fearless Dialogues Book conversation, sponsored by Candler School of Theology Development and Alumni Office, The General Board of Church and Society, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, December 2017
“A Picture of an Activist,” TheoEd (TED) Talk, First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, https://theoed.com/talks/, September 2017
“The Quest for Intellectual Freedom,” Christian Leadership Forum, Doctoral Students Consortium, Forum for Theological Exploration, Georgia Institute of Technology, June 2016
“From Voices to Vision: Discerning the Genuine Sound of Leadership,” Centering Workshop for Executive Leadership Team of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, June 2016
“Black Leaders Matter: From the Terrors of Trauma to Faithful Social Action,” One of Four Non-Profit Leaders invited to introduce Fearless Dialogues, Institute for Congregational Trauma and Growth, Santa Barbara, CA, March 2016
“Eyes to See, Ear to Hear: Pastoral Care for Transformed Lives,” Plenary Lecture, Childrens’ Defense Fund’s Proctor Institute for Activists and Educators, Clinton, TN, July 2015
“Living and Loving the Questions: Rilke, Thurman, James and the Quest to See the Unseen and Hear the Voiceless,” Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church, Converge Pastor’s Renewal Conference, September 2013
“Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African American Young Men,” National CME Pastor’s Conference, January 2013
“Between Some and When,” Co-Conference Preacher with Dr. Barbara Brown Taylor, Calling Congregations National Conference, Fund for Theological Education, Georgia Institute of Technology, October 2010
Scholar Activism: Academic and Community Partnerships
Fearless Dialogues, noun
fear·less \fir-les\, di·a·logues \di - ə -ˌlôgs\
1. A grassroots initiative committed to creating spaces for unlikely partners to engage in hard, heartfelt conversations that see gifts in others, hear value in stories, and work for change and transformation in self and other.
2. A team of scholar-activists and artists committed to social change. Through the utilization of theoretically-crafted full-sensory exercises this team of change agents vitalize conversations that move unlikely community partners from fear and apathy to prophetic service.
Fearless Dialogues Leadership Training, 240 person staff of the Drew Charter Schools, Atlanta, GA, January 2018
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation with Atlanta Hawks and Atlanta Police Foundation, @Promise Center, Atlanta, GA, November 2016
Fearless Dialogues Leadership Training, Leadership Atlanta, LEAD Training, Atlanta, GA, November 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation with philanthropists discerning where to invest in East Atlanta neighborhoods, Community Foundation, Atlanta, GA, November 2016
Fearless Dialogues Year-Long Community Conversation and Assessment, “Session 2: What is My Gift?” The Lovett School, Atlanta, GA, September 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation with Memphis Community Leaders, “Creating Unlikely Partners Through Conversation,” St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Memphis, TN, October 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation with Community Development Executives, Activists, Financial Institutions, and Philanthropists at Purpose Built Communities National Conference, Birmingham, AL, October 2016
Fearless Dialogues Year-Long Community Conversation and Assessment, “Session 1: The Art of Seeing,” The Lovett School, Atlanta, GA, September 2016
Fearless Dialogues Conference Tone-setter, “The Conversation Starts Within,” Path by Plywood National Conference, The Tabernacle, Atlanta, GA, August 2016
Fearless Dialogues Two-Day Activists Training, Childrens’ Defense Fund’s Proctor Institute, Clinton, TN, July 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation, “Bridging the Gap between English-Speaking and Spanish-Speaking Ministers and Activists.” Simultaneous translation utilized to animate Fearless Dialogues conversation between bilingual partners. Faith in New York & PICO Network, New York, NY, July 2016
Fearless Dialogues Primer, African American Methodist Episcopal General Conference, Bishops and Alumni Luncheon hosted by Candler School of Theology, Philadelphia, PA, July 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation on College Success and Black Male Excellence, African American Male Initiative of Georgia Tech, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, June 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation on Vocational Discernment, Intellectual Freedom, and Scholar Activism, Forum for Theological Exploration, Christian Leadership Forum, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, June 2016
Fearless Dialogues Leadership Convening, Senior Administration of the Lovett Schools, Atlanta, GA, April 2016
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation for cross-section of Atlanta Community Leaders, Emory University, May 2016
Fearless Dialogues Leadership Training, Leadership Atlanta, Closing Retreat, Atlanta, GA, April 2016
Fearless Dialogues Leadership Training, Leadership Atlanta, LEAD Training, Atlanta, GA, November 2015
“Between Next and Stop: Hard Questions, Invisibility, and the Infusion of an Interrupting Hope,” Fearless Dialogues Discussion, Emory University Ferguson Course, November 2015
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation, Georgia Pacific Regional Leadership Training for Communications, Government and Public Affairs Executives, Atlanta, GA, November 2015
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation on Student Blacktivism, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO, October 2015
Fearless Dialogues Two-Day Activists Training, Childrens’ Defense Fund’s Proctor Institute, Clinton, TN, July 2015
Fearless Dialogues Community Conversation on Adolescence, Vocation, and Leadership, Youth Theological Initiative, Emory University, July 2015
Johns Creek Sermon Series, “Who Cares?: The Lost Art of Seeing the Invisible,” Three Sunday Sermons on Seeing, Hearing, and Changing the World Inside of Us and Around Us culminated by Fearless Dialogues 3-Feet Challenge, Johns Creek, GA, July 2015
Fearless DialoguesÔ: Theory, Practice and Pedagogical Principles, Three-Week Course, Advanced Degree Program, Sewanee School of Theology, Sewanee, TN, June 2015
Fearless DialoguesÔ Conversation on Muteness and Invisibility, International Women’s Forum, The International Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta, GA, April 2015
Fearless DialoguesÔ Conversation on Muteness and Invisibility, Emory University Board of Trustees, February 2015
Fearless DialoguesÔ Leadership Summit, Clergy Leadership Conference, UMC Mississippi Annual Conference, Jackson, MS, February 2015
Fearless DialoguesÔ Conversation on Muteness and Invisibility, Emory University Board of Visitors, January 2015
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation with Community Activists and Faith Leaders about Crisis in Ferguson, St. John’s UCC, Ferguson, MO, November 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation about Michael Brown & Eric Garner,
Impact UMC, Atlanta, GA, October 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔTraining Workshop: Violence as a Deterrent to Tourism – Finding Gifts behind the Problem, Hosted by Community Thought Leaders, Members of Parliament, and the Bahamian Methodist Church, Nassau, Bahamas, October 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Training Workshop for Pastors and Caregivers, African Methodist Episcopal Christian Education Congress, Chicago, IL, July 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation: Caring for African American Youth, 100 Black Men of America National Convention Keynote/Workshop, Hollywood, FL, June 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation: Caring for African American Youth, Hosted by the Yale Center for Faith and Culture and New Haven Community Leaders, New Haven, CT, June 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Training Workshop for Pastors and Caregivers, Universidade de Metodista Sao Paulo, May 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation: Violence Interrupters Speak for Change, Hosted by Ceasefire and the Office of the Mayor of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, February 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Thought Leader Training, Staff Retreat and Training for the Georgia Council on Development Disabilities, Lake Lanier, GA, November 2013
Teaching and Learning through Fearless DialoguesÔ, a pedagogical workshop co-sponsored by Fearless DialoguesÔ and Candler School of Theology’s Religious Education Program, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, October 2014
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation: Diminishing the Achievement Gap Facing Middle School and High School Males of Color, Hosted by Mentoring Tomorrow Leaders and the Broward County School System, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, October 2013
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation: Seeing and Hearing the Gifts of African American Young People, Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School, Nashville, TN, September 2013
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Thought Leader Training, Community Care Fellowship: A Service Agency of Nancy Webb Kelly United Methodist Church, Nashville, TN, August 2013
Fearless DialoguesÔ Community Conversation: Engaging the George Zimmerman Verdict, Emory University, Candler School of Theology, July 2013
Scholar Activism: Media Coverage
IndyStar, “Faith and Action: ‘This is life and death work we’re doing,’” article by Maureen C. Gilmer, March 2017
Indianapolis Recorder, “Putting solutions in place: Leaders will meet at CTS to address poverty,” article by Brandon A. Perry, March 2017
Vice Sports, “The House that Built Cam,” article by Eric Nusbaum, February 2016
On Being, “Breathing New Life into 'We the People,'” article by Parker Palmer, October 2015
Atlanta100, “Fearless Dialogues,” October 2015
Chronicle of Higher Education, “When Activism Is Worth the Risk: Academics who champion causes may be gambling with their careers,” July 2015
Georgia Public Broadcasting, “What’s Missing When Black Men are Missing?,” May 2015
Circuit Rider Magazine, “Opportunity: Caring for African American Young Men,” Fall 2014
Candler Connections Magazine, “Cut Dead But Still Alive: Seeing the Invisible with New Eyes, article by Laurel Hanna, Winter 2014
Candler Newswire, “Real Dialogue: Ellison and Gordon Give Voices to Society’s Muted,” article by Laurel Hanna, December 2013
Bishop T.D. Jake’s Mind Body and Soul Television Show, BET, “Violence in Our Communities” featured guest on panel with activists and elected officials, October 2013
The Tennessean, “Civil Rights Leader Urges Non-Violence” and accompanying video: “Pearl-Cohn Hosts Fearless Dialogues,” article by Brian Wilson, September 2013
Emory Magazine, “Odd Man In: Seeing, and believing, the potential in African American men,” article by Susan Carini, August 2013
Policymic, “Three Leaders Who Will Change your Perception of Young Black Men,” article by Frank Hagler, August 2013
Associated Press, “In passionate speech: Obama bares his Black self,” article by Sonya Ross, July 2013
National Public Radio, “Are African American Men Invisible?” featured guest with Pulitzer Prize winning columnists Leonard Pitts and Eugene Robinson on Michel Martin’s Tell Me More, July 2013
The Grio, “Emory University Scholar-activist Launches National Campaign,” article by Kunbi Tinuoye, July 2013
Newsone, “Emory Professor Creates ‘Fearless Dialogues’ Program to Support Black Men,” article by D. L. Chandler, July 2013
Emory Newswire, “‘Cut Dead’ starts conversation on African American Youth,” article by Elaine Justice, July 2013
Magic Johnson’s Aspire Network, “George Zimmerman Verdict Discussion with Angela Burt Murray and others,” July 2013
Emory Newswire, “Too many African American young men are ‘cut dead,’ says Emory professor,” article by Elaine Justice, May 2013
Huffington Post, “A Summer Read for Change: Cut Dead But Still Alive,” article by Wayne Meisel, May 2013
National Public Radio, “The Princeton Boys: The Making of a Counselor,” featured guest with former-client Dukens Falaise on The Story, 2007
Professional Positions
Service within the Discipline
Forum for Theological Exploration, Board of Trustees Member, 2014-present
American Academy of Religion, Psychology, Culture, and Religion Group, Steering Committee, 2012-2016
Society for Pastoral Theology, Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Theological Working Group, Co-Chair, 2010-present
Scholars of Color Pre-Conference, Co-Chair, 2013-2016
Journal of Childhood and Religion, Editorial Board Member, 2010-present
Research Projects
Morehouse College Leadership Center, Coca-Cola Pre-College Leadership Institute, Lead Researcher and Evaluator, Mixed-Method Study, 2009
Fund for Theological Education, Alumni Mentoring Workshop, Evaluator, Qualitative Study, 2008 & 2009
Princeton Theological Seminary, Practical Theology Youth Globalization Project, Researcher and Focus Group Coordinator, 2001-2002
Civic Engagement
Public Private Ventures, Ready 2 Thrive Initiative, Advisory Council, 2010-2012
Yale Divinity School Center for Faith & Culture, Faith as a Way of Life Project, National Working Group, 2003–2007
Counseling Experience
Uth Turn Re-Entry Program, Newark, New Jersey, On-Site Counselor, 2006–2007
Trinity Counseling Services, Princeton, New Jersey, Supervised Clinician, 2005–2006
Academic Service
Emory University and Candler School of Theology
Personnel and Academic Policy Committee, 2011-2012, 2013-2015
Faculty Senate Appointee, 2014-2015
Th.D. Studies Committee, 2011-present (advising three students)
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Faculty Advisor, 2009-present
Practices Advisory Committee, 2011-2012
Search Committee for University Vice-President, 2011-2012
Youth Theological Initiative Advisory Board, 2009-2012
Leadership Emory Executive Roundtable on Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility, Faculty Representative, 2011
Seeking Sanity in Seminary, Moderator, 2011
African American Male Retention to Success Initiative, Office of Senior Vice Provost for Community and Diversity Initiatives, Faculty Mentor, 2010-2011
Admissions, Scholarship and Honors Committee, 2009-2011
Candler Coordinating Council Cultural Competency Model Dialogue Series, 2010 Candler Coordinating Council, Digger Deeper Model Dialogue Participant, 2009-2010
Transforming Community Project, University Dialogues on Race, 2008-2009
Princeton Theological Seminary
Black Concerns Council, Student Representative, 2007-2008
Student and Academic Affairs Committee, Student Representative, 2001-2002
Association of Black Seminarians, Co-Chairman, 2000-2001
Practical Theology Department, Student Representative, 2000-2001
Race, Reconciliation, and Forgiveness Conference, Planning Committee, 2000-2001
Emory College
President’s Commission on the Status of Minorities, Student Concerns Chair, 1998-1999
Southeastern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Board of Directors (GA), 1998-1999
University Conduct Council, Student Representative, 1997-1998
Martin Luther King Week Planning Committee, Chair, 1996-1997
Fellowships, Honors, Grants, and Awards
Louisville Institute, Sabbatical Grant, 2015-2016
Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award, 2014
Louisville Institute, Research Leave Grant for First or Second Book, 2012-2013
Candler School of Theology, Faculty Person of the Year, 2010-2011
Candler School of Theology, Baccalaureate Speaker, one of three faculty, 2010-2011
Emory University, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Practical Theology and Religious
Practices, 2008-2009
Princeton Theological Seminary, Doctoral Fellowship, 2003-2008
Fund for Theological Education, Expanding Horizons Dissertation Fellow, 2007-2008
Historic Concorde Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY, Scholar in Residence, 2004-2005
Fund for Theological Education, Expanding Horizons Doctoral Fellow, 2003-2004
Princeton Theological Seminary, Presidential Fellowship, 1999-2002
Princeton Seminary, Seward Hiltner Prize for most promise in Pastoral Theology, 2002
Princeton Seminary, Student Orator at Senior Service, 2002
Emory University, College Hall of Fame Inductee, 1999
Emory University, Student Orator at Emory College Commencement, 1999
Emory University, Benjamin Elijah Mays and Emory Scholar, 1995-1999
American Academy of Religion
National Baptist Convention (Ordained)
Society for Pastoral Theology
Society for the Study of Black Religion
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association
The Association of Black Psychologists